Why Cursed emoji being popular in 2020 🤬
Cursed Emoji 🤬 is a angry-red face with a dark pub and whitened grawlixes covering its mouth.
The apple name of the cursed emoji is 'Face With Symbols Over Mouth', and also the unicode name is'Serious Face using Symbols Covering Mouth' However, curse is the general term for its heartfelt invoking or angry calling down of evil on another: to curse an enemy.
To blaspheme is to speak contemptuously or with abuse of God or of all holy items: to blaspheme openly.
To swear is to utilize the title of God or of some sacred person or entity within an exclamation to add force or show anger: to declare in every sentence.
If you state that there is a curse on someone, you mean there seems for a supernatural power inducing disagreeable items to happen to them.
Curse means to want or invoke evil.' Calamity or the expression of a desire which hardship, doom angry cursed emoji can also be known as Cursing, Cussing, Grawlix, and Swearing.
The apple name of the emoji encounter With Symbols Over Mouth' and the Unicode name is'Serious Face using Symbols Covering Mouth'Nature Curse To Human In The Form of The Corona.
Cases of curse in a SentenceNoun I heard him utter a curse prior to the microphone was shut off. The witch declared a curse in some strange language.